General Terms and Conditions

The Company is committed to protecting personal data and ensuring its security and confidentiality. We invite you to read the information about the processing of your personal data. This Privacy Policy is intended to inform individuals about the processing of personal data by the Company, which includes personal data about individuals who have visited the website and who fill in the online contact form (hereinafter: the customer).

This statement informs customers about the purposes of the processing of personal data, the legal basis, the controller and users of the personal data, the types of personal data processed, the retention periods and the rights of individuals, as well as any other necessary information.

Information about the company

LOG 79

Web site: 
Phone: 0038640153490.

Data Controller and Data Protection Officer
The company is the controller of the personal data of its customers.

Data Protection Officer:
LOG 79

Web site: 
Phone: 0038640153490

Collection and use of personal data

We collect and process your data in accordance with the regulations governing the protection of personal data. The company collects your personal data when:

  • you write to us via the contact form on the website or ask the company for information,
  • use the company's website.

Contact form on the website
What: When you submit your data, the company processes your name and surname, email address and any other personal data you enter in the online form in addition to your IP number.Why: The company processes personal data solely for the purposes of providing feedback via email or for entering into a business relationship.

Web site
Whenever you visit the company's website, the log files of the web server are automatically stored on the web server (e.g. IP number - a number that identifies a particular computer or other device on the Internet). The way the World Wide Web works is that the web server hosting the website logs certain information about the visit to the website, such as the IP number, browser version, time of visit and so on. The company does not process the data collected in this way separately and does not link it to other data.

What are web cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device by the websites you visit. Cookies have different functions. Cookies help a website to remember your preferences, such as language, font size and other settings you have set on your computer to view our website, so that you don't have to set them again each time you visit. This way, the websites can remember your preferences, the fact that you have already voted in the website's poll, or simply the fact that you are already logged in to the website. Some cookies are essential for the website to function, some are designed to improve the user experience (e.g. storing the user's preferences), and some are used to track visits to the website, which helps the website operator to continuously improve the website and the user's experience of it. Some cookies also allow users to do the latter across multiple websites. Managing cookies Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. You can change the way your web browser works by changing the settings so that your computer refuses cookies or so that you receive a warning before a cookie is stored. You can also prevent your browser from setting cookies altogether for all websites you visit. You can delete cookies that are already stored on your computer. Which cookies do we use? Our website is hosted on the server infrastructure of a contract processor based in Slovenia. Session cookie Also called a transient cookie, a cookie that is deleted when the user closes the web browser. A session cookie is stored in temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed. Session cookies do not collect information from the user's computer. They will usually store information in the form of a session identifier that does not personally identify the user. System cookie This cookie is used to record important logical information for the smooth running of the website and for logging into the website.

Users of personal data
Company employees.

Transfer of personal data
The company will not forward personal data to a third party without the individual's express permission, or will not allow a third party to view the individual's personal data. The company can provide personal data only if it is requested to do so by an authorized state body or if such an obligation is imposed on the basis of a legislative measure.

Period of storage of personal data
The period of storage is in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

The right to access personal data, correct, delete or limit the processing of personal data, object to the processing and portability of personal data
The individual to whom the personal data processed by the company relates has the right to request access to personal data, the right to correct or delete personal data or limit processing in relation to it, and the right to object to processing and the right to data portability. The individual's request is processed in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data.

Automated decision-making, including profiling
No automated decision-making or profiling is carried out.

The right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority
All rights related to the protection of personal data can be exercised by an individual from an authorized person for the protection of personal data. An individual can submit a complaint regarding the processing of personal data at any time to the email address of the authorized person for the protection of personal data (in point 2), which we will try to resolve in the shortest possible time and in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data 1 Regulation (EU) 2016 /679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals in the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (OJ EU L119/2016, 4/5/2016). data. An individual can also file a complaint with the supervisory authority for the protection of personal data at the address: Information Commissioner, Dunajska cesta 22, 1000 Ljubljana, telephone: 01 230 97 30, e-mail:; according to the prescribed procedure.

Protection of personal data
To ensure the confidentiality and security of your personal data, we have adopted appropriate organizational and technical data protection measures. This means that we implement organizational, physical and technical measures to protect personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal data, also based on the company's personal data protection policy. The company undertakes to protect the confidentiality of personal data. We will use the collected data exclusively for the purposes for which our users will provide it. Personal data and contact information will not be used for other purposes and will not be disclosed to third parties without the express permission of the individual, unless the law provides otherwise. We will do everything we can to protect your personal information from any breach and misuse.